The Heyburn Initiative: A National Resource
The Heyburn Initiative is a non-partisan program devoted to the preservation and study of Federal Judicial history.
Although there are many Presidential libraries and Congressional centers, the Heyburn Initiative is unique in its focus on the Federal Judiciary and its emphasis on small-group, personal interactions. It is believed to be the first attempt to compile a complete history of the Third Branch in any state in the Union.

What We Believe
A Continuing Conversation
Judge John Heyburn believed that “while judicial opinions are mandates, they are also part of a continuing conversation.” He was known for writing opinions that were accessible not only to lawyers, but to all citizens, emphasizing the importance of history, respect for precedence, and the rule of law.
An Ever-Improving Judiciary
Judge John Heyburn had an unprecedented devotion toward enhancing the practices and processes of the Judiciary. He connected quality of justice with excellence in administration. His demanding roles as Chair of both the Budget Committee and Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation embodied this belief.
What We Do
Student Awards
Law students who achieve academic excellence, or advance the study of the Federal Judiciary will be eligible for merit-based fellowships with high-profile speakers or jurists.
Create small-group interactions focused on high-profile issues to inspire speakers, program participants and students to heighten their aspirations and improve themselves and their professional organizations.

Who We Are
An independent Advisory Board of 7-9 members, with a separate Federal Judicial Advisory Panel direct the Heyburn Initiative.
The Board shall always include a designee from the Office of the President of UK, at least one College of Law alumnus, and a sitting or retired Article III federal judge.
Funding to support the Heyburn Initiative is raised privately, and to preserve the vision and integrity of its programming, is managed by the Community Foundation of Louisville, an independent 501(c)(3) entity based in Louisville.
The Advisory Board
Martha Heyburn, MD, Founder and Chair; spouse of 39 years
William Heyburn, Financial Analyst; Head of Corporate Development, BLADE; son
Jack Heyburn, Attorney; Law Clerk, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, 2018-19; son
Eric Olson, Solicitor General of Colorado; Attorney; Former Law Clerk, Judge Heyburn and U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens
Jay Blanton, UK Executive Director of Public Relations; Designee of UK President
The Hon. Jeremy Fogel, U.S. District Judge, 1998-2008; Director, Federal Judicial Center, 2011-2018; Executive Director, Berkeley Judicial Institute, University of California Berkeley, 2018-
Jim Duff, Director, U.S. Supreme Court Historical Society
Doug Way, Dean of UK Libraries, and Mary Davis, Dean of UK J. David Rosenberg College of Law, serve as ex-officio members.
The Federal Judicial Advisory Panel to the Board
The Hon. Amul Thapar, Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit
The Hon. David Hale, Judge, U.S. Western District of Kentucky
John S. Cooke, Director, Federal Judicial Center
Anu Kasarabada is the full-time Heyburn Initiative archivist
How We Are Sustained
Contributions to the John G. Heyburn II Initiative for Excellence in the Federal Judiciary are put toward our operating budget, providing support for our core programs, and inspiring our students to strive for more.
The Community Foundation of Louisville manages both operational and endowment funds for the Heyburn Initiative programs in perpetuity at the direction of the Heyburn Initiative Advisory Board.
This approach protects donors' gifts, as well as the vision and integrity of the Heyburn Initiative.